“Step into the realm of empowerment and collaboration as Minister of Gender, Honorable Jean Sendeza, and the Executive Director of Women of Action Ministries, Miss Mable Ngolleka, unite in preparation for the historic June 2024 Zanzibar Tanzania Union of African Widows Summit. This groundbreaking event will assemble esteemed heads of state, first ladies, and dignitaries from across Africa, all converging to champion the cause of widows’ rights.
In this pivotal meeting, Angels Consultants lent their expertise as communication advisors, ensuring that every message resonates and every strategy shines. With a track record of turning NGO aspirations into reality through tailored communication strategies, Angels Consultants stood as the beacon of success.
To all organizations dedicated to making a difference, we extend an invitation: join us in partnership with Angels Consultants to craft and execute strategies that amplify your impact. Together, let’s create meaningful change and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.”